Conferences can create a lot of waste. Our goal is to drastically minimize the carbon footprint of ComNet, and each year we build on our previous sustainability efforts to maximize our impact.

What can you do onsite? 

  • Take the MARTA train to the hotel from the airport, and carpool or walk whenever possible during your time in Atlanta

  • Opt out of daily linen and towel replacements in your hotel room

  • Bring your reusable water bottle to use throughout the conference

  • Use the provided recycling and Terracycle boxes to reduce what goes to the landfill (they’ll be outside the ballroom on Friday)

  • Return your ComNet23 badge lanyard off at registration on Friday  - we’ll reuse them next year!

A few of the ways we are creating a sustainable ComNet23 include: 

  • Recycling and/or upcycling everything we create/use

    • We’re using TerraCycle boxes again to prevent hard-to-recycle items from going into landfills. Additionally, we’ve partnered with local organizations to reuse materials post-conference

  • Limiting plastic silverware and not providing any single-use plastic drinkware

    • We’ll have water refill stations so remember your reusable bottle to stay hydrated throughout ComNet

  • Sourcing local and sustainable food options, and donating leftover, unused food, whenever possible

  • Intentionally reducing SWAG

    • We’ve reimagined our process to limit waste and support local organizations

  • Using sustainable materials (recycled/recyclable/compostable) whenever possible

    • ComNet23 conference signs and name badges are all printed on recycled paper and use sustainable ink that allows them to be recycled/composted post-conference

    • Additionally, this year, the lanyards that accompany your name badge will not be printed to allow us to reuse them next year - we’ll remind you to return them at the end of the conference :) 

  • Utilizing a digital conference app (rather than printed programs) 

In addition to environmentally sustainable practices, we also take into account social considerations and economic practices, by: 

  • Patronizing locally-owned businesses for the majority of our conference needs

  • Hiring local temporary on-site staff